20 New Year's Resolutions for Green Living

January 03, 2020

20 New Year's Resolutions for Green Living

Is your goal this year to live a more eco-friendly lifestyle? Feeling overwhelmed about where to begin? Thankfully, there are plenty of small changes you can make to help you get on the right path. Here are 20 green living tips you can incorporate into your life!

1. Air-dry clothes instead of using the dryer.
2. Collect rainwater and use it to water your gardens.
3. Create a capsule wardrobe with classic pieces for each season, avoiding fast-fashion purchases.
4. Use natural and non-toxic household cleaning products.
5. Drive less. Take public transportation, bike or walk, if possible.

6. Compost your food waste instead of trashing it.
7. Host a clothing swap and exchange pieces for an instant closet refresh.
8. Buy items in bulk to save on costs and packaging.
9. Ditch paper napkins for cloth.
10. Eat seasonal foods.

11. Refuse to purchase plastic bottles or use plastic straws.
12. Bring reusable shopping bags every time you shop.
13. Invest in a menstrual cup to forgo tampons and pads.
14. Switch to a bamboo toothbrush.
15. Cook from scratch to save waste from prepackaged foods.

16. Go vegetarian or commit to eating more meat-free meals.
17. Stop using paper towels and use cloths or rags to mop up spills instead .
18. Have a little one in diapers? Switch to cloth diapers or do a combination of cloth and disposable.
19. Bring a travel mug with you to the coffee shop- many places will even give you a discount for bringing your own.
20. Go paperless with all of your bills and statements and only ask for a printed document if necessary.

Of course, there are plenty of other tips for living a greener lifestyle. What are some of yours?

Images courtesy of:

unsplash-logo EMILE SÉGUIN 🇨🇦

unsplash-logo Aaron Cloward

unsplash-logo Maarten van den Heuvel

unsplash-logo Christin Hume

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