7 tips for teaching your kids how to do laundry

October 26, 2018

7 tips for teaching your kids how to do laundry

If you have children, laundry is a never-ending chore. As soon as you catch up, there's always another load to do the next day, especially if your little ones are particularly messy. The good news is that children can learn how to help with laundry at a young age. Here is a list of 7 tips to use when teaching your children how to do laundry.

1. Give each child their own laundry basket
Make sure your kids know that dirty clothes belong in a hamper and not on the floor. Show them where to put their items after they put on their pyjamas at night or when clothes get too dirty during the day.

2. Have them bring their basket to the laundry room
Rather than bringing everyone's hamper yourself, have each child carry their laundry to you. If you do laundry while the kids are at school, encourage them to bring their baskets down the night before, after placing that day's dirty clothes inside.

3. Teach them how to sort
If your kids are home while you are doing laundry, have them help you sort clothing. This is a great way for younger children to practise their colours and chances are they will actually enjoy this chore!

4. Show them how to add in detergent
Help them measure detergent and add it to the machine. Just make sure you supervise younger children who are more apt to make a mess or ingest fun looking laundry pods.

5. Have them transfer clothes to the dryer or line
Even the smallest kids can help you move laundry from the machine to the dryer. If you are hanging clothes outside, have them hand you the clothespins!

6. Get them to help with folding
While some items might be a bit too tricky for small hands, rolling socks together is something even little kids can do. It also educational as they have to put their matching skills to use!

7. Encourage them to put away their clothes
Remember how they brought their own baskets to the laundry room? Have them carry it back to their bedrooms and place their clean clothes in the drawers. Have the older children help the younger ones.


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